File Formtas Starts with Letter S

List of all File Formats begins with letter S from the FileProInfo file types database.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.S Source Code File Free S Apps
.S Microsoft Train Simulator Shape File Free S Apps
.S00 ZipSplitter Part 1 File Free S00 Apps
.S01 ZipSplitter Part 2 File Free S01 Apps
.S02 ZipSplitter Part 3 File Free S02 Apps
.S09 ZipSplitter Part 10 File Free S09 Apps
.S10 Brasfoot Saved Game File Free S10 Apps
.S16 Digital Voice Recorder Audio File Free S16 Apps
.S19 Motorola S19 File Record Free S19 Apps
.S2A SEAL2 Application Free S2A Apps
.S2ARR SynthFont2 Arrangement File Free S2ARR Apps
.S2E SWF to EXE Converter Project File Free S2E Apps
.S2M Stronghold 2 Map File Free S2M Apps
.S2M The Settlers 2 Map File Free S2M Apps
.S2MH StarCraft 2 Map Header File Free S2MH Apps
.S2ML StarCraft 2 Map Localization File Free S2ML Apps
.S2MV StarCraft 2 Map Preview File Free S2MV Apps
.S2QH StarCraft 2 Localization Header File Free S2QH Apps
.S2QL StarCraft 2 Unit Localization File Free S2QL Apps
.S2Z Heroes of Newerth Game Data File Free S2Z Apps
.S3G MakerBot 3D Print File Free S3G Apps
.S3I Scream Tracker 3 Instrument Free S3I Apps
.S3M ScreamTracker 3 Module Free S3M Apps
.S3S Samorost 3 Game Save File Free S3S Apps
.S3Z Compressed Scream Tracker 3 Module Free S3Z Apps
.S4M SWAT 4 Map File Free S4M Apps
.S5X Heritage of Kings: The Settlers Map File Free S5X Apps
.S7Z Mac OS X 7-Zip File Free S7Z Apps
.S85 Sabre Airline Solutions Chart Free S85 Apps
.SA1 Game Boy Emulator Save File Free SA1 Apps
.SA9 Hue and Cry Photoshop Plug-in Free SA9 Apps
.SAB Saber File Free SAB Apps
.SAB ACIS SAB Model File Free SAB Apps
.SABL Call of Duty: Black Ops II Sound Archive Free SABL Apps
.SAD Black & White Audio File Free SAD Apps
.SAF Secure Audio File Free SAF Apps
.SAF Street Atlas USA Map File Free SAF Apps
.SAF SafeText File Free SAF Apps
.SAF McAfee Fortress File Free SAF Apps
.SAFARIEXTZ Apple Safari Extension Package Free SAFARIEXTZ Apps
.SAFE SIGLock Encrypted File Free SAFE Apps
.SAFETEXT SafeText File Free SAFETEXT Apps
.SAH SETI@home Data File Free SAH Apps
.SAI PaintTool SAI Image Free SAI Apps
.SAM MOD Edit Sample File Free SAM Apps
.SAM Ami Pro Document Free SAM Apps
.SAM Samurize Package Free SAM Apps
.SAM07 SAM 2007 Package Free SAM07 Apps
.SAMI Grand Theft Auto San Andres Mod Installer File Free SAMI Apps
.SAMP Nintendo ADPCM Sound Sample File Free SAMP Apps
.SAMPLE Godot Engine Wav Audio File Free SAMPLE Apps
.SAN Smush Animation File Free SAN Apps
.SAP Atari SAP Music File Free SAP Apps
.SAR Sibelius Arrange Style Free SAR Apps
.SAR Service Archive File Free SAR Apps
.SAR Saracen Paint Image Free SAR Apps
.SARC Sead ARChived Resource File Free SARC Apps
.SAS SAS Program File Free SAS Apps
.SAS7BDAT SAS Data Set File Free SAS7BDAT Apps
.SASBX Space Agency Sandbox File Free SASBX Apps
.SASS Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets File Free SASS Apps
.SAT ACIS SAT 3D Model File Free SAT Apps
.SAV Fortnite ClientSettings File Free SAV Apps
.SAV Nintendo DS Save File Free SAV Apps
.SAV Fallout 2 Map Archive Free SAV Apps
.SAV Mass Effect 3 Saved Game Free SAV Apps
.SAV Parallels Desktop Saved State Image File Free SAV Apps
.SAV Saved Game Free SAV Apps
.SAV SPSS Data File Free SAV Apps
.SAVE Nano Temporary Save File Free SAVE Apps
.SAVE The Sims 4 Save File Free SAVE Apps
.SAVEDDECK Nokia Saved Web Page Free SAVEDDECK Apps
.SAVEDSEARCH Spotlight Saved Search Free SAVEDSEARCH Apps
.SAVEDSTATE Virtual Router Saved State File Free SAVEDSTATE Apps
.SAVER Mac OS X Screen Saver Free SAVER Apps
.SB Small Basic Source Code File Free SB Apps
.SB Slax Bundle Free SB Apps
.SB Scratch Project File Free SB Apps
.SB Signed Byte Audio File Free SB Apps
.SB2 Scratch 2.0 Project File Free SB2 Apps
.SB3 Scratch 3.0 Project File Free SB3 Apps
.SBB Office Accounting Company Backup File Free SBB Apps
.SBC Office Accounting Company Shortcut File Free SBC Apps
.SBC Space Engineers Data File Free SBC Apps
.SBD Office Accounting Company Data File Free SBD Apps
.SBD DNASTAR SeqBuilder File Free SBD Apps
.SBD Superbase Data Definition File Free SBD Apps
.SBF SmartBroker Data Free SBF Apps
.SBF Superbase Database File Free SBF Apps
.SBF Septentrio Binary File Free SBF Apps
.SBF Android System File Free SBF Apps
.SBG SBaGen Binaural Beat File Free SBG Apps
.SBGF Grapher Settings File Free SBGF Apps
.SBI Sound Blaster Instrument Free SBI Apps
.SBK Multimedia ToolBook System Book Free SBK Apps
.SBK Scrapbook Factory File Free SBK Apps
.SBK E-MU SoundFont Sound Bank Free SBK Apps
.SBK SWiSH Project Backup File Free SBK Apps
.SBM Space Engineers Mod File Free SBM Apps
.SBML Systems Biology Markup Language Free SBML Apps
.SBN GT-31 Binary Data File Free SBN Apps
.SBN ESRI Spatial Binary File Free SBN Apps
.SBN Cisco IP Phone Firmware File Free SBN Apps
.SBP OpenSBP CNC Program File Free SBP Apps
.SBP Sketchbook Express iCloud Image Free SBP Apps
.SBPROJ OpenGL Shader Builder Project Free SBPROJ Apps
.SBQ Superbase QuickReports File Free SBQ Apps
.SBR Visual Studio Source Browser Intermediate File Free SBR Apps
.SBS Substance Package Free SBS Apps
.SBS SPSS Script Free SBS Apps
.SBS Secure Backup System File Free SBS Apps
.SBSAR Substance Archive Free SBSAR Apps
.SBT Superbase Data Notes File Free SBT Apps
.SBT SBT Subtitle File Free SBT Apps
.SBU Samsung Backup File Free SBU Apps
.SBV YouTube Captions File Free SBV Apps
.SBV Superbase Form Definition File Free SBV Apps
.SBW US Treasury Savings Bonds Wizard File Free SBW Apps
.SBX ESRI Spatial Index File Free SBX Apps
.SBX Adobe Illustrator Tsume File Free SBX Apps
.SBX GLBasic Shoebox File Free SBX Apps
.SBX SeqBox Container File Free SBX Apps
.SBX ScratchX Project File Free SBX Apps
.SBZ ShowBiz Project File Free SBZ Apps
.SC Space Engine Script Free SC Apps
.SC SuperCollider Source Code File Free SC Apps
.SC2 SimCity 2000 City File Free SC2 Apps
.SC2 World of Tanks Blitz Model File Free SC2 Apps
.SC2 Sample Cell II Instrument Definition Free SC2 Apps
.SC2ARCHIVE Blizzard StarCraft 2 Archive File Free SC2ARCHIVE Apps
.SC2ASSETS Blizzard StarCraft 2 Assets File Free SC2ASSETS Apps
.SC2BANK StarCraft 2 Bank File Free SC2BANK Apps
.SC2DATA Blizzard StarCraft 2 Data File Free SC2DATA Apps
.SC2LOCALE Blizzard StarCraft 2 Localization File Free SC2LOCALE Apps
.SC2MA StarCraft 2 Map Data File Free SC2MA Apps
.SC2MAP Blizzard StarCraft 2 Map File Free SC2MAP Apps
.SC2MOD Blizzard StarCraft 2 Modification File Free SC2MOD Apps
.SC2REPLAY Blizzard StarCraft 2 Replay File Free SC2REPLAY Apps
.SC2SAVE Blizzard StarCraft 2 Saved Game Free SC2SAVE Apps
.SC2SCENE StarCraft 2 Cut Scene File Free SC2SCENE Apps
.SC3 SimCity 3000 City File Free SC3 Apps
.SC4 SuperCard 4 Project File Free SC4 Apps
.SC4 SimCity 4 Saved File Free SC4 Apps
.SC4 RollerCoaster Tycoon Scenario File Free SC4 Apps
.SC45 SuperCard Project File Free SC45 Apps
.SC4DESC SimCity 4 Description File Free SC4DESC Apps
.SC4LOT SimCity 4 Lot File Free SC4LOT Apps
.SC4MODEL SimCity 4 Model File Free SC4MODEL Apps
.SC5 Chris Sawyer's Locomotion Scenario File Free SC5 Apps
.SC6 RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Scenario File Free SC6 Apps
.SCA Norton AntiVirus Scan File Free SCA Apps
.SCA Scala Script File Free SCA Apps
.SCACFG SuperCard Application Configuration File Free SCACFG Apps
.SCAD OpenSCAD Script Free SCAD Apps
.SCALA Scala Source Code File Free SCALA Apps
.SCAP EFI Firmware File Free SCAP Apps
.SCAR SCAR Script Free SCAR Apps
.SCB Scala Published Script Free SCB Apps
.SCB Euro Truck Simulator 2 Product Key File Free SCB Apps
.SCB Scrambls Encrypted File Free SCB Apps
.SCC ScreenFlow Screen Recording Free SCC Apps
.SCC SourceSafe Source Code Control File Free SCC Apps
.SCC Scenarist Closed Caption File Free SCC Apps
.SCD TurboTax Tax Schedule List Free SCD Apps
.SCD Data Rescue Saved Scan File Free SCD Apps
.SCDOC SpaceClaim Document Free SCDOC Apps
.SCE Scilab Script Free SCE Apps
.SCEA Aleph One Map File Free SCEA Apps
.SCENE Antibody Level File Free SCENE Apps
.SCEXCLUDB Spring Cleaning Exclusions File Free SCEXCLUDB Apps
.SCF DNA Sequence Chromatogram File Free SCF Apps
.SCF Windows Explorer Command Free SCF Apps
.SCF SimTown Sounds File Free SCF Apps
.SCG ColoRIX Image File Free SCG Apps
.SCG myPM SCG Definition File Free SCG Apps
.SCGC myPM SCG Classic Data File Free SCGC Apps
.SCGP myPM SCG Pro Data File Free SCGP Apps
.SCGS myPM SCG Starter Data File Free SCGS Apps
.SCH SuperCard Help Project File Free SCH Apps
.SCH gEDA Schematic File Free SCH Apps
.SCH EAGLE Schematics File Free SCH Apps
.SCH KiCad Schematic File Free SCH Apps
.SCH ExpressSCH Schematics File Free SCH Apps
.SCH Strater Scheme File Free SCH Apps
.SCHEMAS GConf Schema Definition File Free SCHEMAS Apps
.SCHEMATIC MCEdit Schematic File Free SCHEMATIC Apps
.SCI Scilab Script Free SCI Apps
.SCI ColoRIX Graphics Image Free SCI Apps
.SCL Sibelius Chord Diagram Library Free SCL Apps
.SCLVL Scritter's Nest Data File Free SCLVL Apps
.SCM Schema File Free SCM Apps
.SCM StarCraft Map File Free SCM Apps
.SCM CLEO Compiled Script Free SCM Apps
.SCM GIMP Script-Fu Script Free SCM Apps
.SCM Scheme Source Code File Free SCM Apps
.SCM Samsung Channel List File Free SCM Apps
.SCM Super Chain Media File Free SCM Apps
.SCM ScreenCam Screen Recording Free SCM Apps
.SCML Spriter Configuration XML File Free SCML Apps
.SCN Orbiter Scenario File Free SCN Apps
.SCN TreePaint Image Free SCN Apps
.SCN OpenTTD Scenario File Free SCN Apps
.SCN Age of Mythology Scenario File Free SCN Apps
.SCN SimCity Scenario File Free SCN Apps
.SCN TD Scan Data File Free SCN Apps
.SCN Pinnacle Studio Scene File Free SCN Apps
.SCN0 Wii Texture Animation File Free SCN0 Apps
.SCO OMSI Scenery Object Configuration File Free SCO Apps
.SCO TotalRecovery Backup Image Free SCO Apps
.SCONF Script Settings File Free SCONF Apps
.SCP ColoRIX Bitmap Graphic File Free SCP Apps
.SCPCFG SuperCard Project Configuration File Free SCPCFG Apps
.SCPRESETS Snap Converter Presets File Free SCPRESETS Apps
.SCPT AppleScript Script File Free SCPT Apps
.SCPTD AppleScript Script Bundle Free SCPTD Apps
.SCQ Server-Based Certificate Validation Protocol - Validation Request Free SCQ Apps
.SCR Script File Free SCR Apps
.SCR Windows Screensaver Free SCR Apps
.SCRATCH Scratch Project File Free SCRATCH Apps
.SCREENFLOW ScreenFlow Document Free SCREENFLOW Apps
.SCRESTORELOG Spring Cleaning Restore Log Free SCRESTORELOG Apps
.SCRESULTS Spring Cleaning Results File Free SCRESULTS Apps
.SCRIBE VideoScribe Project Free SCRIBE Apps
.SCRIPT Generic Script File Free SCRIPT Apps
.SCRIPTSUITE AppleScript Script Suite File Free SCRIPTSUITE Apps
.SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY AppleScript Script Terminology File Free SCRIPTTERMINOLOGY Apps
.SCRIV Scrivener Document Free SCRIV Apps
.SCRIVX Scrivener XML Document Free SCRIVX Apps
.SCS Prism3D Game Data File Free SCS Apps
.SCS SimCity Societies Saved Game File Free SCS Apps
.SCS11 Show Cue System Cue File Free SCS11 Apps
.SCSF SEE Finance Data File Free SCSF Apps
.SCSKIN Survivalcraft Skin File Free SCSKIN Apps
.SCSS Sass Cascading Style Sheet Free SCSS Apps
.SCT FoxPro Form Memo Free SCT Apps
.SCT Scitex Continuous Tone File Free SCT Apps
.SCT Windows Scriptlet Free SCT Apps
.SCU ColoRIX Bitmap Image Free SCU Apps
.SCURL Curl - Source Code Free SCURL Apps
.SCUT4 Easy Cut Studio Project Free SCUT4 Apps
.SCV ScanVec CASmate Sign File Free SCV Apps
.SCW Score Writer Document Free SCW Apps
.SCW Movie Magic Screenwriter Document Free SCW Apps
.SCWORLD Survivalcraft World File Free SCWORLD Apps
.SCX Game Scenario File Free SCX Apps
.SCX FoxPro Form Free SCX Apps
.SCX Microsoft Game Scenario File Free SCX Apps
.SCX SuperCard Help Project Free SCX Apps
.SCZ SmartDraw Collection Package File Free SCZ Apps
.SD Sound Designer Audio File Free SD Apps
.SD ESPS Sampled Data File Free SD Apps
.SD2 Sound Designer II File Free SD2 Apps
.SD2F Sound Designer 2 File Free SD2F Apps
.SD7 Spring Content Package Free SD7 Apps
.SDA StarOffice Drawing Free SDA Apps
.SDAT Nintendo DS Sound Data File Free SDAT Apps
.SDB SAP2000 Model File Free SDB Apps
.SDB ServerBoss Database File Free SDB Apps
.SDB OpenOffice Base Database File Free SDB Apps
.SDB MonKey Office SQLite Database File Free SDB Apps
.SDB SparkleDB Database File Free SDB Apps
.SDB SocialDecks Blog File Free SDB Apps
.SDB Custom Application Compatibility Database Free SDB Apps
.SDC Secure Download Cabinet Free SDC Apps
.SDC Paragon Dictionary Database File Free SDC Apps
.SDC Stardock Central Download Archive Free SDC Apps
.SDC Apache OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet Free SDC Apps
.SDD StarOffice Presentation Free SDD Apps
.SDEF AppleScript Dictionary Document Free SDEF Apps
.SDF Structure Data File Free SDF Apps
.SDF SQL Server Compact Database File Free SDF Apps
.SDF Spatial Data Format File Free SDF Apps
.SDF World in Conflict Game Map Free SDF Apps
.SDF Standard Data File Free SDF Apps
.SDG Strater Project File Free SDG Apps
.SDI Windows System Deployment Image Free SDI Apps
.SDII Sound Designer 2 Audio File Free SDII Apps
.SDINSTALL Speckie Dictionary Installation File Free SDINSTALL Apps
.SDKM SudokuMagic Free SDKM Apps
.SDL Service Description Language File Free SDL Apps
.SDL Scene Description Language File Free SDL Apps
.SDLPPX SDL Trados Studio Project Package Free SDLPPX Apps
.SDLPROJ SDL Trados Studio Project Free SDLPROJ Apps
.SDLRPX SDL Trados Studio Return Package Free SDLRPX Apps
.SDLTPL SDL Trados Studio Project Template Free SDLTPL Apps
.SDLXLIFF SDL Trados XLIFF Localization File Free SDLXLIFF Apps
.SDM StarOffice Mail Message Free SDM Apps
.SDM Spatial Data Modeling Language File Free SDM Apps
.SDN Shareware Distributors Network File Free SDN Apps
.SDO Signed Document Free SDO Apps
.SDOC Satra Khmer Document Free SDOC Apps
.SDOC Sealed Word Document Free SDOC Apps
.SDP StarOffice Presentation File Free SDP Apps
.SDP Session Description Protocol File Free SDP Apps
.SDQ SAS Data File Free SDQ Apps
.SDR Dell Support File Free SDR Apps
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.SDS MIDI Sample Dump Standard File Free SDS Apps
.SDS OpenOffice Chart Free SDS Apps
.SDS SDS Apps Data File Free SDS Apps
.SDSK SafeHouse Private Storage Volume Free SDSK Apps
.SDT Electronic Arts Sound Data File Free SDT Apps
.SDT SmartDraw Template File Free SDT Apps
.SDT Siemens Desktop Theme File Free SDT Apps
.SDT Grand Theft Auto 3 Audio File Free SDT Apps
.SDTID SecurID Soft Token File Free SDTID Apps
.SDV Studio DV Project File Free SDV Apps
.SDW StarOffice Writer Text Document Free SDW Apps
.SDW MrSID World File Free SDW Apps
.SDX Kivuto Secure Download Manager File Free SDX Apps
.SDX Sample MIDI Dump Exchange Free SDX Apps
.SDZ NCI Compressed Database Free SDZ Apps
.SDZ Spring Content Package Free SDZ Apps
.SE Shuttle Document Free SE Apps
.SE1 Swiss Ephemeris Data File Free SE1 Apps
.SEA Self-Extracting Archive Free SEA Apps
.SEAM Seam Framework Java Servlet File Free SEAM Apps
.SEARCH-MS Windows Saved Search File Free SEARCH-MS Apps
.SEB Safe Exam Browser Configuration File Free SEB Apps
.SEC PGP Secret Key Ring Free SEC Apps
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.SECURITYSETTINGS Alpha Five Security Settings File Free SECURITYSETTINGS Apps
.SED Sed Script Free SED Apps
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.SEE SeeMail Free SEE Apps
.SEED SEED Data File Free SEED Apps
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.SEM Alpha Five Set Data Dictionary Memo File Free SEM Apps
.SEMA Secured eMail Free SEMA Apps
.SEMD Secured eMail Free SEMD Apps
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.SEN SenTest Data File Free SEN Apps
.SEN Scifer Internal Header Archive Free SEN Apps
.SEO SEO Note File Free SEO Apps
.SEP Separated Image File Free SEP Apps
.SEPLUGIN AppleScript Editor Plug-in Free SEPLUGIN Apps
.SEQ PowerTracks Pro Audio Project File Free SEQ Apps
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.SER GeneMapper Project File Free SER Apps
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.SERVICE Systemd Service Unit File Free SERVICE Apps
.SES Audition Session File Free SES Apps
.SES Patran Session File Free SES Apps
.SESSION Mozilla Firefox Session File Free SESSION Apps
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.SET Alpha Five Set Data Dictionary File Free SET Apps
.SET Settings File Free SET Apps
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.SF IRCAM Sound File Free SF Apps
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