File Formtas Starts with Letter G

List of all File Formats begins with letter G from the FileProInfo file types database.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.G BRL-CAD Geometry File Free G Apps
.G1A Casio Graphing Calculator Add-in File Free G1A Apps
.G1M Casio Graphing Calculator Memory File Free G1M Apps
.G2M GoToMeeting Recording File Free G2M Apps
.G2W GeoplanW Free G2W Apps
.G3 CCITT Group 3 Fax Image Free G3 Apps
.G3A Casio Prizm Add-in File Free G3A Apps
.G3D GOM 3D File Free G3D Apps
.G3M Casio fx-CG Prizm Memory File Free G3M Apps
.G3W GeospacW Free G3W Apps
.G3X RealFlight Content File Free G3X Apps
.G41 Commodore 1541 Disk Image Free G41 Apps
.G64 Genetec Video File Free G64 Apps
.G64X Genetec Video File Free G64X Apps
.G721 G.721 Audio File Free G721 Apps
.G723 G.723 Audio File Free G723 Apps
.G726 G.726 Audio File Free G726 Apps
.GA3 Graphical Analysis 3 Document Free GA3 Apps
.GAC Groove - Account Free GAC Apps
.GADGEPRJ Gadge It Project Free GADGEPRJ Apps
.GADGET Windows Gadget Free GADGET Apps
.GAL GenePix Array List File Free GAL Apps
.GALAXY Blizzard Galaxy File Free GALAXY Apps
.GALLERY SMART Notebook Gallery File Free GALLERY Apps
.GALLERYITEM SMART Notebook Gallery Item File Free GALLERYITEM Apps
.GAM Saved Game File Free GAM Apps
.GAME GameSalad Exported Game File Free GAME Apps
.GAME Apple Chess Saved Game Free GAME Apps
.GAMEDATA Sandlot Game Data File Free GAMEDATA Apps
.GAMEPROJ GameSalad Project File Free GAMEPROJ Apps
.GAN GanttProject Project File Free GAN Apps
.GAR GridGain Archive Free GAR Apps
.GAR Farming Simulator Game Archive File Free GAR Apps
.GAR Ghidra Project Archive Free GAR Apps
.GAU Flight Simulator Gauge File Free GAU Apps
.GB GenBank Data File Free GB Apps
.GB Game Boy ROM File Free GB Apps
.GB1 Game Maker Backup File Free GB1 Apps
.GB2 Game Maker Backup File Free GB2 Apps
.GBA Game Boy Advance ROM Free GBA Apps
.GBAP GLBasic Project File Free GBAP Apps
.GBAS GLBasic Source File Free GBAS Apps
.GBASKIN Game Boy Advance Controller Skin File Free GBASKIN Apps
.GBC Game Boy Color ROM Free GBC Apps
.GBCSKIN Game Boy Color Controller Skin File Free GBCSKIN Apps
.GBI gBurner Project File Free GBI Apps
.GBK GenBank Data File Free GBK Apps
.GBL Gerber Bottom Layer Data File Free GBL Apps
.GBLORB Glulx Blorb Game File Free GBLORB Apps
.GBM Gameboy Map File Free GBM Apps
.GBO Gerber Bottom Overlay Data File Free GBO Apps
.GBP Gerber Bottom Solder Paste Data File Free GBP Apps
.GBP Genie Timeline Backup Index File Free GBP Apps
.GBPROJ GarageBand Project Free GBPROJ Apps
.GBR Gameboy Tileset File Free GBR Apps
.GBR GIMP Brush File Free GBR Apps
.GBS Gerber Bottom Solder Mask Data File Free GBS Apps
.GBS Generic Build Support Metadata File Free GBS Apps
.GBS GameBoy Sound File Free GBS Apps
.GBX Nadeo Game File Free GBX Apps
.GBX Gerber PCB File Free GBX Apps
.GC Galactic Conquest Saved Game Free GC Apps
.GC GraphClick File Free GC Apps
.GCA GCA File Archive Free GCA Apps
.GCD Fallout 2 Character Profile File Free GCD Apps
.GCD Generic CADD Drawing File Free GCD Apps
.GCD Prassi CD Image Free GCD Apps
.GCDP Greeting Card Studio Design Project Free GCDP Apps
.GCF Game Cache File Free GCF Apps
.GCG GCG DNA Sequence File Free GCG Apps
.GCH Precompiled Header File Free GCH Apps
.GCI GameCube Save File Free GCI Apps
.GCM GameCube ROM Free GCM Apps
.GCODE G-Code 3D Printer File Free GCODE Apps
.GCPROJ Genome Compiler Project Free GCPROJ Apps
.GCS GameCube SharkSave File Free GCS Apps
.GCS Cineform Studio Video Project Free GCS Apps
.GCSX Microsoft Office SmartArt Color File Free GCSX Apps
.GCT Ocarina Cheat Code Manager File Free GCT Apps
.GCW Microsoft Mathematics Worksheet Free GCW Apps
.GCX Grapher Graph File Free GCX Apps
.GCZ Compressed GameCube/Wii ROM Free GCZ Apps
.GD Godot Engine Script Free GD Apps
.GD3 GreatFamily Genealogy Data File Free GD3 Apps
.GDB InterBase Database File Free GDB Apps
.GDB GPS Database File Free GDB Apps
.GDBTABLE Geodatabase Table File Free GDBTABLE Apps
.GDC Godot Engine Compiled Script Free GDC Apps
.GDCB GandCrab Ransomware Encrypted File Free GDCB Apps
.GDE The Guide Document Free GDE Apps
.GDF GUESS Graph Data Format File Free GDF Apps
.GDG GDevelop Project File Free GDG Apps
.GDG.AUTOSAVE GDevelop Project Autosave File Free GDG.AUTOSAVE Apps
.GDI Dreamcast Gigabyte Disc Image Free GDI Apps
.GDIAGRAMSTYLE OmniGraffle Diagram Style File Free GDIAGRAMSTYLE Apps
.GDL Geometric Description Language (GDL) Free GDL Apps
.GDOC Google Drive Document Link File Free GDOC Apps
.GDOCX Google Drive Document Free GDOCX Apps
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.GDT gretl Datafile Free GDT Apps
.GDTB gretl Binary Datafile Free GDTB Apps
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.GED GEDCOM Genealogy Data File Free GED Apps
.GED Game Editor Project File Free GED Apps
.GEDATA Qlucore Data File Free GEDATA Apps
.GEDCOM GEDCOM Genealogy File Free GEDCOM Apps
.GEM RubyGems Package Free GEM Apps
.GEM GEM Metafile Free GEM Apps
.GEM Ventura Publisher Document Free GEM Apps
.GEMSPEC Gem Specification File Free GEMSPEC Apps
.GEN ArcView ARC/INFO UnGenerate file Free GEN Apps
.GEN Sega Genesis ROM Free GEN Apps
.GENBANK GenBank Data File Free GENBANK Apps
.GENERICTEST Visual Studio Generic Test File Free GENERICTEST Apps
.GENOME Cell Lab Design File Free GENOME Apps
.GEO VRML Geography File Free GEO Apps
.GEO TruTops Geometry File Free GEO Apps
.GEX GeoMetry Explorer Free GEX Apps
.GEXF Graph Exchange XML Format File Free GEXF Apps
.GF METAFONT Bitmap File Free GF Apps
.GFAR Greenfoot Archive Free GFAR Apps
.GFB GIFBlast Compressed Image File Free GFB Apps
.GFE Glarysoft Encrypted File Free GFE Apps
.GFI GIFI File Free GFI Apps
.GFIE Greenfish Icon Editor Pro Graphic Free GFIE Apps
.GFORM Google Drive Form Free GFORM Apps
.GFP GreenForce-Player Protected Media File Free GFP Apps
.GFS Glarysoft Split File Free GFS Apps
.GFW GIF World File Free GFW Apps
.GFX GFx Scaleform File Free GFX Apps
.GG Google Desktop Gadget File Free GG Apps
.GG Sega Game Gear ROM Free GG Apps
.GGB GeoGebra Document Free GGB Apps
.GGPACK Thimbleweed Park Resource Archive Free GGPACK Apps
.GGR GIMP Gradient File Free GGR Apps
.GGT GeoGebra Free GGT Apps
.GHB Lego Ghost Path File Free GHB Apps
.GHF Groove - Help Free GHF Apps
.GHO Norton Ghost Backup File Free GHO Apps
.GHS Norton Ghost Image Segment Free GHS Apps
.GI Global Image Free GI Apps
.GID Windows Help Global Index File Free GID Apps
.GIF Graphical Interchange Format File Free GIF Apps
.GIFV GIF Video File Free GIFV Apps
.GIG Tascam GigaSampler File Free GIG Apps
.GIH GIMP Image Hose File Free GIH Apps
.GIM PlayStation Portable Image File Free GIM Apps
.GIN GEMS Engine Control Unit File Free GIN Apps
.GINSPECT_PRJ GOM Inspect Project File Free GINSPECT_PRJ Apps
.GIO Nyquist MIDI File Free GIO Apps
.GIO Adagio Score Free GIO Apps
.GIS CFS Console Game Installer Settings File Free GIS Apps
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.GITKEEP Git Keep File Free GITKEEP Apps
.GJD The 7th Guest Media File Free GJD Apps
.GKH Ensoniq EPS Family Disk Image Free GKH Apps
.GKS Graphics Kernel System File Free GKS Apps
.GL GRASP Animation Free GL Apps
.GLA Ghoul 2 Animation File Free GLA Apps
.GLA Sothink SWF Easy Project File Free GLA Apps
.GLADE Glade Project File Free GLADE Apps
.GLB Glulx Blorb Game File Free GLB Apps
.GLB STK Globe File Free GLB Apps
.GLB Binary GL Transmission Format File Free GLB Apps
.GLD MPLAB C Compiler Linker Script File Free GLD Apps
.GLD Ground Loop Design Work File Free GLD Apps
.GLF Space Engine Shader File Free GLF Apps
.GLIF Glyph Interchange Format File Free GLIF Apps
.GLIFFY Gliffy Diagram File Free GLIFFY Apps
.GLINK Google Drive External File Shortcut Free GLINK Apps
.GLKSAVE Zoom Game Save Package Free GLKSAVE Apps
.GLM Ghoul 2 Model File Free GLM Apps
.GLO RoboHelp Glossary File Free GLO Apps
.GLOBAL Global Makefile Free GLOBAL Apps
.GLOX Microsoft Office SmartArt Graphics Layout File Free GLOX Apps
.GLS GLScript Game Script Free GLS Apps
.GLS Sothink SWF Easy Shape File Free GLS Apps
.GLS Babylon Glossary File Free GLS Apps
.GLTF GL Transmission Format File Free GLTF Apps
.GLY Word Glossary File Free GLY Apps
.GM GameMonkey Script Free GM Apps
.GM Transport Tycoon Music File Free GM Apps
.GM6 GameMaker 6 Project File Free GM6 Apps
.GM81 Game Maker 8.1 Project File Free GM81 Apps
.GMA Garry's Mod Addon File Free GMA Apps
.GMAP Google Drive My Map Free GMAP Apps
.GMAP Garmin Map File Free GMAP Apps
.GMBCK Game Maker Background Image File Free GMBCK Apps
.GMBL Logger Lite Document Free GMBL Apps
.GMC Game Music Creator Sound File Free GMC Apps
.GMD GroupMail Message Free GMD Apps
.GMD Nintendo 3DS Game Dialog File Free GMD Apps
.GMD Game Maker Program Code Free GMD Apps
.GME DexDrive Game Card File Free GME Apps
.GMF Leadwerks Game Model File Free GMF Apps
.GMF Geology Multi-File Free GMF Apps
.GMK GameMaker Project File Free GMK Apps
.GML Graph Modeling Language File Free GML Apps
.GML Geography Markup Language File Free GML Apps
.GML GameMaker Language File Free GML Apps
.GML Gerber Mill Layer File Free GML Apps
.GMMOD Game Maker 3D Model File Free GMMOD Apps
.GMMP WCS Gamut Map Model Profile Free GMMP Apps
.GMO GNU Machine Object File Free GMO Apps
.GMP Global Mapper Package File Free GMP Apps
.GMRES GameMaker Resource File Free GMRES Apps
.GMS Garry's Mod Save File Free GMS Apps
.GMS Gesture and Motion Signal File Free GMS Apps
.GMSPR Game Maker Sprite File Free GMSPR Apps
.GMT rFactor Model File Free GMT Apps
.GMV Gens Game Recording Free GMV Apps
.GMW Global Mapper Workspace File Free GMW Apps
.GMX GameMaker File Free GMX Apps
.GMZ Compressed GameMaker File Free GMZ Apps
.GNE Flickr Web Page Free GNE Apps
.GNM Gnumeric Spreadsheet Free GNM Apps
.GNO GenoPro Genealogy Tree File Free GNO Apps
.GNP GenePool Save File Free GNP Apps
.GNP GNPeak Output File Free GNP Apps
.GNUMERIC Gnumeric Spreadsheet Free GNUMERIC Apps
.GNUTAR GNU Tar Archive Free GNUTAR Apps
.GO Go Source Code File Free GO Apps
.GOD God Configuration File Free GOD Apps
.GOD Gore Game Data File Free GOD Apps
.GOD Populous II Player Progress File Free GOD Apps
.GODOT Godot Engine Project Free GODOT Apps
.GOFIN DRUKI Gofin Form File Free GOFIN Apps
.GOM GOM Media File Free GOM Apps
.GOOMOD World of Goo Add-on Free GOOMOD Apps
.GORM Gorm Interface Resource File Free GORM Apps
.GP3 Guitar Pro 3 File Free GP3 Apps
.GP4 Guitar Pro 4 Tablature Free GP4 Apps
.GP4 CCITT Group 4 Fax File Free GP4 Apps
.GP5 Guitar Pro 5 Tablature File Free GP5 Apps
.GPBANK Guitar Pro Sound Bank File Free GPBANK Apps
.GPD Gamer Profile Data File Free GPD Apps
.GPD Graphic PhotoDefiner Image File Free GPD Apps
.GPE GP2X Video Game Free GPE Apps
.GPF GRAVITY Ragnarok Online Patch File Free GPF Apps
.GPF Gecko Patch File Free GPF Apps
.GPF Geosoft Project File Free GPF Apps
.GPF Grant Agreement Preparation Form Free GPF Apps
.GPG GNU Privacy Guard Public Keyring Free GPG Apps
.GPH NpGraphIt Free GPH Apps
.GPI Garmin Point of Interest File Free GPI Apps
.GPI Gerber Photoplotter Information File Free GPI Apps
.GPJ Grapher Project File Free GPJ Apps
.GPJ MULTI IDE Project File Free GPJ Apps
.GPJ jGRASP Project File Free GPJ Apps
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.GPN GlidePlan Map Document Free GPN Apps
.GPP Guitar Practiced Perfectly 2 Data File Free GPP Apps
.GPR Babylon Glossary Builder Project File Free GPR Apps
.GPR GenePix Results File Free GPR Apps
.GPRX Geoxa Project File Free GPRX Apps
.GPS GOM Player Skin File Free GPS Apps
.GPS Survey Pro Coordinate File Free GPS Apps
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.GQF GrafEq Free GQF Apps
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.GR2 Granny 3D File Free GR2 Apps
.GRA Microsoft Graph File Free GRA Apps
.GRADE GradeStat Document Free GRADE Apps
.GRADIENTS Painter Gradation Library Free GRADIENTS Apps
.GRADLE Gradle Script Free GRADLE Apps
.GRAFFLE OmniGraffle Drawing Free GRAFFLE Apps
.GRAM Speech Recognition Grammar Specification Free GRAM Apps
.GRAPHMLZ Zip Compressed GraphML File Free GRAPHMLZ Apps
.GRASP GRASP Animation Free GRASP Apps
.GRB GRIB Meteorological Data File Free GRB Apps
.GRD Photoshop Gradient File Free GRD Apps
.GRD Surfer Grid File Free GRD Apps
.GRDB Gramps Database File Free GRDB Apps
.GREENFOOT Greenfoot Project Archive Free GREENFOOT Apps
.GRF DPlot Graph File Free GRF Apps
.GRF Ragnarok Client Archive Free GRF Apps
.GRF Transport Tycoon Graphics Resource File Free GRF Apps
.GRF Grapher Graph File Free GRF Apps
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.GRIB Gridded Binary File Free GRIB Apps
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.GRIND Juice Grinder Recipe File Free GRIND Apps
.GRINDX Juice Grinder Recipe File Free GRINDX Apps
.GRK Gradekeeper Class Gradebook File Free GRK Apps
.GRL Windows Update Status File Free GRL Apps
.GRN Granny 3D File Free GRN Apps
.GRO Allegro MIDI File Free GRO Apps
.GRO Graphic Object Bitmap Free GRO Apps
.GROB Graphic Object Bitmap File Free GROB Apps
.GROOVE ACID Groove File Free GROOVE Apps
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.GROUP Windows Contacts Group File Free GROUP Apps
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.GRY Grayscale Image Free GRY Apps
.GS Google Apps Script Free GS Apps
.GS Geosoft Script Free GS Apps
.GS GemStone Document Free GS Apps
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.GS3 GameStarter File Free GS3 Apps
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.GST MapInfo Geoset File Free GST Apps
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.GTAR GNU Tar Archive Free GTAR Apps
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.GTKRC GTK+ Theme File Free GTKRC Apps
.GTL Gerber Top Layer Data File Free GTL Apps
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.GUI Dr.Explain Project File Free GUI Apps
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.GV Graphviz DOT File Free GV Apps
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.GVI Google Video File Free GVI Apps
.GVIMRC GVim Runtime Configuration File Free GVIMRC Apps
.GVP Google Video Pointer Free GVP Apps
.GVSP Geocortex Viewer for Silverlight Project Free GVSP Apps
.GVSWATCH Gravit Designer Swatch File Free GVSWATCH Apps
.GVY Groovy Source Code File Free GVY Apps
.GWB Interwrite Presentation File Free GWB Apps
.GWD Galaxy Watchface Design File Free GWD Apps
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.GWK GraphiCode PCB Job File Free GWK Apps
.GWP Greetings Workshop Project File Free GWP Apps
.GWS GeoMedia GeoWorkspace File Free GWS Apps
.GWS Geosoft Workspace File Free GWS Apps
.GXC General CADD Pro Component Free GXC Apps
.GXD General CADD Pro Drawing Free GXD Apps
.GXF General eXchange Format File Free GXF Apps
.GXF General CADD Pro Font File Free GXF Apps
.GXH General CADD Pro Hatch Pattern File Free GXH Apps
.GXK Galaxkey Secured File Free GXK Apps
.GXL Graph Exchange Language File Free GXL Apps
.GXM General CADD Pro Macro File Free GXM Apps
.GXT Grand Theft Auto Text File Free GXT Apps
.GXT GIMS Graphical Text Data File Free GXT Apps
.GYM Sega Genesis Sound File Free GYM Apps
.GZ Gnu Zipped Archive Free GZ Apps
.GZ2 Misnamed BZ2 File Free GZ2 Apps
.GZA IZArc BGA Archive File Free GZA Apps
.GZI Unix Gzip File Free GZI Apps
.GZIP Gnu Zipped File Free GZIP Apps
.GZQUAR Bitdefender Antivirus Quarantine File Free GZQUAR Apps
Extension File Type Free Apps


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