File Formtas Starts with Letter C

List of all File Formats begins with letter C from the FileProInfo file types database.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.C C/C++ Source Code File Free C Apps
.C Lite-C Script Free C Apps
.C00 WinAce Split Archive File Free C00 Apps
.C01 Typhoon Wave Audio File Free C01 Apps
.C01 WinAce Split Archive Part 1 File Free C01 Apps
.C02 WinAce Split Archive Part 1 File Free C02 Apps
.C10 WinAce Split Archive Part 10 Free C10 Apps
.C11AMC ClueTrust CartoMobile - Config Free C11AMC Apps
.C11AMZ ClueTrust CartoMobile - Config Package Free C11AMZ Apps
.C2D WinOnCD Disc Image Free C2D Apps
.C2R Windows Media Center Click-To-Record File Free C2R Apps
.C2U Texas Instruments CBL 2 OS File Free C2U Apps
.C32 Syslinux COM32 Module Free C32 Apps
.C3D Coordinate 3D File Free C3D Apps
.C3D C3D Model File Free C3D Apps
.C3P Construct 3 Project Free C3P Apps
.C3Z OpenQwaq 3D Model File Free C3Z Apps
.C4 JEDMICS Image File Free C4 Apps
.C4D Cinema 4D Model File Free C4D Apps
.C4G Clonk Game Free C4G Apps
.C4K Clonk Key File Free C4K Apps
.C4P CrossOver Software Installer File Free C4P Apps
.CA Initial Telnet Cache Free CA Apps
.CAA Chinese Academic Article Link File Free CAA Apps
.CAA CleanApp Archive Free CAA Apps
.CAB Windows Cabinet File Free CAB Apps
.CACHE Cache File Free CACHE Apps
.CACTION Automator Converter Action Free CACTION Apps
.CAD BobCAD-CAM File Free CAD Apps
.CAD Autodesk QuickCAD File Free CAD Apps
.CADC Corpatla Data Container File Free CADC Apps
.CADOC Clicker App Document Free CADOC Apps
.CAF CryENGINE Character Animation File Free CAF Apps
.CAF Class Action Gradebook File Free CAF Apps
.CAF Core Audio File Free CAF Apps
.CAF Cal3D Binary Animation File Free CAF Apps
.CAFF Core Audio File Free CAFF Apps
.CAG ClipArt Gallery Package Free CAG Apps
.CAH 5e Companion App Character File Free CAH Apps
.CAJ Chinese Academic Journal File Free CAJ Apps
.CAL 3ds Max Pose Adjustment File Free CAL Apps
.CAL CALS Raster Graphic Free CAL Apps
.CAL Calendar File Free CAL Apps
.CAL CryENGINE Character Animation List Free CAL Apps
.CALB Coolect Album File Free CALB Apps
.CALCA Calca Document Free CALCA Apps
.CALIBRE Calibre Device Data File Free CALIBRE Apps
.CALS CALS Raster Graphic File Free CALS Apps
.CAM CASIO Digital Camera Picture File Free CAM Apps
.CAM FastCAM CAM File Free CAM Apps
.CAM Gerber CAM Job File Free CAM Apps
.CAMERROR Camtasia Studio Error File Free CAMERROR Apps
.CAMM espresso Mind Map Document Free CAMM Apps
.CAMP WCS Color Appearance Model Profile File Free CAMP Apps
.CAMPROJ Camtasia Studio Project Free CAMPROJ Apps
.CAMREC Camtasia Studio Screen Recording Free CAMREC Apps
.CAMV Camtasia Video File Free CAMV Apps
.CAN Canon Navigator Fax Document Free CAN Apps
.CANNEDSEARCH Apple Predefined Search Free CANNEDSEARCH Apps
.CAP Construct Game Development File Free CAP Apps
.CAP ASUS BIOS Update File Free CAP Apps
.CAP PASCO Capstone Experiment File Free CAP Apps
.CAP Packet Capture File Free CAP Apps
.CAPROJ Construct Project File Free CAPROJ Apps
.CAPT Capito Data File Free CAPT Apps
.CAPX Construct Compressed Project File Free CAPX Apps
.CAPX Capella CapXML File Free CAPX Apps
.CAR Car Explorer Data File Free CAR Apps
.CAR Gary Gadget Car File Free CAR Apps
.CAR CAR Archive Free CAR Apps
.CAR Brew Component Application Resource File Free CAR Apps
.CARC Nintendo Compressed Archive File Free CARC Apps
.CAROTE Carote Ransomware Encrypted File Free CAROTE Apps
.CAS Autodesk Cascade License File Free CAS Apps
.CAS Total War Model File Free CAS Apps
.CASE SlipCover Case Template Free CASE Apps
.CAT Advanced Disk Catalog Database Free CAT Apps
.CAT Windows Catalog File Free CAT Apps
.CAT4D Cinema 4D Catalog Free CAT4D Apps
.CAV Comodo Virus Definitions File Free CAV Apps
.CAWR Espresso workreport Document Free CAWR Apps
.CB7 Comic Book 7-Zip Archive Free CB7 Apps
.CBA CryENGINE Resource Compiler Settings File Free CBA Apps
.CBA Comic Book ACE Archive Free CBA Apps
.CBC Comic Book Collection Free CBC Apps
.CBDDLP CHITUBOX Sliced 3D Object File Free CBDDLP Apps
.CBDS Comic Book DS File Free CBDS Apps
.CBF ChessBase Game Information File Free CBF Apps
.CBF Calendar Builder File Free CBF Apps
.CBG CyberGauge Data File Free CBG Apps
.CBG ChessBase Game Moves File Free CBG Apps
.CBH ChessBase Database Header File Free CBH Apps
.CBK Backup Configuration File Free CBK Apps
.CBL COBOL Source Code File Free CBL Apps
.CBMAP Containment Breach Map File Free CBMAP Apps
.CBOARD Final Cut Pro Color Board Preset Free CBOARD Apps
.CBP Code::Blocks Project File Free CBP Apps
.CBR Comic Book RAR Archive Free CBR Apps
.CBS Code Breaker PS2 Save File Free CBS Apps
.CBS Comodo Backup Script Free CBS Apps
.CBT Comic Book TAR File Free CBT Apps
.CBT Computer Based Training File Free CBT Apps
.CBU Comodo Backup File Free CBU Apps
.CBV ChessBase Database File Free CBV Apps
.CBXML CodeBox Library Free CBXML Apps
.CBZ ChessBase Encrypted Database Archive Free CBZ Apps
.CBZ Comic Book Zip Archive Free CBZ Apps
.CC C++ Source Code File Free CC Apps
.CCA Multimedia Fusion File Free CCA Apps
.CCA cc:Mail Archive File Free CCA Apps
.CCB CopperCube 3D Scene Free CCB Apps
.CCBJS CopperCube JavaScript File Free CCBJS Apps
.CCC Dev-C++ Code Completion Cache Free CCC Apps
.CCD CloneCD Disc Image Free CCD Apps
.CCF CryptLoad Container File Free CCF Apps
.CCGAME XNA Creators Club Game Package Free CCGAME Apps
.CCH .NET Security Resolution Cache File Free CCH Apps
.CCH Corel Chart File Free CCH Apps
.CCIP Curse Client Install Package Free CCIP Apps
.CCLD Construction Clouds Data File Free CCLD Apps
.CCN Compressed Multimedia Fusion File Free CCN Apps
.CCP RIB Import Converter Profile Free CCP Apps
.CCP CodeCharge Studio Page File Free CCP Apps
.CCR ASTM Continuity of Care Record Free CCR Apps
.CCS CCS Script File Free CCS Apps
.CCS CodeCharge Studio Project File Free CCS Apps
.CCSCC ClearCase Source Control Info File Free CCSCC Apps
.CCT Director Protected Cast Resource Free CCT Apps
.CCX Corel Clipart File Free CCX Apps
.CCX Click & Create Extension Free CCX Apps
.CCXML Voice Browser Call Control Free CCXML Apps
.CD CD-i OptImage Free CD Apps
.CD Visual Studio Class Diagram Free CD Apps
.CD2 Click'N Design 3D File Free CD2 Apps
.CD5 Chasys Draw Image File Free CD5 Apps
.CDA CD Audio Track Shortcut Free CDA Apps
.CDB Symbian Phonebook Database Free CDB Apps
.CDB Pocket Access Database Free CDB Apps
.CDB CardScan Contacts Database Free CDB Apps
.CDC AutoCAD DesignCenter Preview Cache File Free CDC Apps
.CDD ConceptDraw PRO Document Free CDD Apps
.CDDA CD Digital Audio File Free CDDA Apps
.CDDX Circuit Diagram Document Free CDDX Apps
.CDDZ ConceptDraw PRO Document Free CDDZ Apps
.CDF CryENGINE Character Definition File Free CDF Apps
.CDF Computable Document Format File Free CDF Apps
.CDF Channel Definition Format Free CDF Apps
.CDF Common Data Format Free CDF Apps
.CDF NetCDF Format File Free CDF Apps
.CDF Nominal Small Business Accounting Company Data File Free CDF Apps
.CDF Affymetrix Chip Definition File Free CDF Apps
.CDF Content Definition File Free CDF Apps
.CDF-MS ClickOnce Compiled Manifest File Free CDF-MS Apps
.CDG Compact Disc Plus Graphics Image Free CDG Apps
.CDI INTEX Output File Free CDI Apps
.CDI DiscJuggler Disc Image Free CDI Apps
.CDKEY MediaRemote Free CDKEY Apps
.CDL ConceptDraw PRO Library File Free CDL Apps
.CDL CADKEY Wireframe Design File Free CDL Apps
.CDLX Audition CD Layout File Free CDLX Apps
.CDLX ConceptDraw PRO XML Library File Free CDLX Apps
.CDM NTI CD-Maker Image Free CDM Apps
.CDM Conceptual Data Model File Free CDM Apps
.CDMIA Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) - Capability Free CDMIA Apps
.CDMIC Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) - Contaimer Free CDMIC Apps
.CDMID Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) - Domain Free CDMID Apps
.CDMIO Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) - Object Free CDMIO Apps
.CDMIQ Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) - Queue Free CDMIQ Apps
.CDML Creately Diagram File Free CDML Apps
.CDMM ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document Free CDMM Apps
.CDMP WCS Device Model Profile Free CDMP Apps
.CDMT ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template Free CDMT Apps
.CDMTZ Compressed ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template Free CDMTZ Apps
.CDMZ Compressed ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document Free CDMZ Apps
.CDO Crescendo Music Notation File Free CDO Apps
.CDOC Clicker Document Free CDOC Apps
.CDOC Encrypted DigiDoc File Free CDOC Apps
.CDP Trainz Simulator Content Dispatcher Pack Free CDP Apps
.CDP Sony CD Architect Project Free CDP Apps
.CDP CD/Spectrum Pro File Free CDP Apps
.CDP ConceptDraw PROJECT File Free CDP Apps
.CDP2 Trainz Classics Content Dispatcher Pack 2 Free CDP2 Apps
.CDPX ConceptDraw PROJECT XML File Free CDPX Apps
.CDPZ ConceptDraw PROJECT Document Free CDPZ Apps
.CDR Crash Data Retrieval Data File Free CDR Apps
.CDR CorelDRAW Image File Free CDR Apps
.CDR Raw Audio CD Data Free CDR Apps
.CDR Macintosh DVD/CD Master Free CDR Apps
.CDRAPP Image File Free CDRAPP Apps
.CDRT CorelDRAW Image Template Free CDRT Apps
.CDS ConceptDraw SlideShow Free CDS Apps
.CDSX ConceptDraw PRO XML SlideShow File Free CDSX Apps
.CDT CorelDRAW Image Template Free CDT Apps
.CDT ConceptDraw PRO Template Free CDT Apps
.CDT CD-Text File Free CDT Apps
.CDTX ConceptDraw PRO XML Template Free CDTX Apps
.CDW KOMPAS Document Free CDW Apps
.CDX Alpha Five Table Index File Free CDX Apps
.CDX CorelDRAW Compressed File Free CDX Apps
.CDX ConceptDraw PRO XML Document Free CDX Apps
.CDX Compound Index File Free CDX Apps
.CDX ChemDraw Exchange File Free CDX Apps
.CDXML ChemDraw XML File Free CDXML Apps
.CDXML Cmdlet Definition XML File Free CDXML Apps
.CDY Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella Free CDY Apps
.CDZ Compressed CD Image File Free CDZ Apps
.CE ComputerEyes Image Free CE Apps
.CEB Apabi eBook File Free CEB Apps
.CEBX Apabi XML eBook File Free CEBX Apps
.CED JVC Camera Video Data File Free CED Apps
.CEDPRJ Ashampoo CoverEditor Project Free CEDPRJ Apps
.CEF Class Action Gradebook Elementary File Free CEF Apps
.CEF CenturionMail Encrypted Package Free CEF Apps
.CEL FLIC Animation Free CEL Apps
.CEL Celestia Script File Free CEL Apps
.CEL MicroStation Cell Library Free CEL Apps
.CEL Audition Loop Free CEL Apps
.CEL Affymetrix Probe Results File Free CEL Apps
.CEL Battery 3 Drum Cell File Free CEL Apps
.CELL Thinkfree Office NEO Cell Workbook Free CELL Apps
.CELTX Celtx Project File Free CELTX Apps
.CELX Celestia Script Free CELX Apps
.CEM Children of the Nile Model File Free CEM Apps
.CENON Cenon Project Free CENON Apps
.CENON~ Cenon Backup File Free CENON~ Apps
.CER Internet Security Certificate Free CER Apps
.CERBER Cerber Ransomware Encrypted File Free CERBER Apps
.CERBER2 Cerber2 Ransomware Encrypted File Free CERBER2 Apps
.CERBER3 Cerber Ransomware Virus File Free CERBER3 Apps
.CERTSIGNINGREQUEST Apple Developer Signing Certificate Request File Free CERTSIGNINGREQUEST Apps
.CETRAINER Cheat Engine Trainer File Free CETRAINER Apps
.CEX SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault Export File Free CEX Apps
.CF Sendmail Configuration File Free CF Apps
.CF2 Common File Format File Free CF2 Apps
.CFA Adobe Conformed Audio File Free CFA Apps
.CFA ComProbe Analyzer Capture File Free CFA Apps
.CFB Compound Binary File Free CFB Apps
.CFC ColdFusion Component File Free CFC Apps
.CFF Common File Format Free CFF Apps
.CFG LightWave Configuration File Free CFG Apps
.CFG Wesnoth Markup Language File Free CFG Apps
.CFG Celestia Configuration File Free CFG Apps
.CFG MAME Configuration File Free CFG Apps
.CFG Citrix Server Connection File Free CFG Apps
.CFG Configuration File Free CFG Apps
.CFG Cal3D Model Configuration File Free CFG Apps
.CFGE Jewel Quest Configuration File Free CFGE Apps
.CFL IMVU Product File Free CFL Apps
.CFM ColdFusion Markup File Free CFM Apps
.CFML ColdFusion Markup Language File Free CFML Apps
.CFR Cross Fire Replay File Free CFR Apps
.CFS CFS Console File Free CFS Apps
.CFS Compact File Set Archive Free CFS Apps
.CFS Lucene Compound Index File Free CFS Apps
.CFX Flow-Cal Data File Free CFX Apps
.CFXR Cocoa Sfxr File Free CFXR Apps
.CG Cg Program Free CG Apps
.CG3 Cabri 3D Document Free CG3 Apps
.CGA Crytek Geometry Animation File Free CGA Apps
.CGD Common Grid File Free CGD Apps
.CGF Crytek Geometry Format File Free CGF Apps
.CGFX CgFX Shader File Free CGFX Apps
.CGI Common Gateway Interface Script Free CGI Apps
.CGM Computer Graphics Metafile Free CGM Apps
.CGP PixelCryptor Encrypted File Free CGP Apps
.CGR Quest3D Channel Group File Free CGR Apps
.CGR CATIA Graphical Representation File Free CGR Apps
.CGRP Pro Tools Clip Group File Free CGRP Apps
.CGZ Cube Map File Free CGZ Apps
.CGZ Linux Drivers Archive Free CGZ Apps
.CH3 Harvard Graphics DOS Chart File Free CH3 Apps
.CHA Photoshop Channel Mixture Free CHA Apps
.CHA IRC Chat Configuration File Free CHA Apps
.CHA Character Layout File Free CHA Apps
.CHAI Chaimera Artwork File Free CHAI Apps
.CHAIT Chaimera Artwork Template Free CHAIT Apps
.CHAM Compiled HAM File Free CHAM Apps
.CHARSET Character Set Free CHARSET Apps
.CHART Guitar Rhythm Chart File Free CHART Apps
.CHAT IRC Chat Configuration File Free CHAT Apps
.CHC HCFR Colormeter Data File Free CHC Apps
.CHD MAME Hard Disk Image Free CHD Apps
.CHEF Chef Source Code File Free CHEF Apps
.CHESSTITANSSAVE-MS Microsoft Chess Titans Saved Game Free CHESSTITANSSAVE-MS Apps
.CHG Quicken Online Data File Free CHG Apps
.CHG Windows Net Logon File Free CHG Apps
.CHK Netgear Router Firmware File Free CHK Apps
.CHK StarCraft Chunk File Free CHK Apps
.CHK Saved File Fragment Free CHK Apps
.CHK InterCheck Checksum Database Free CHK Apps
.CHKSPLIT Archiver Split Checksum File Free CHKSPLIT Apps
.CHL WinFast PVR2 Channel List Free CHL Apps
.CHM Compiled HTML Help File Free CHM Apps
.CHML Chameleon Encrypted Database File Free CHML Apps
.CHN Ethnograph Data Free CHN Apps
.CHORD Song Chords File Free CHORD Apps
.CHPROJ Adobe Character Animator Project Free CHPROJ Apps
.CHR Doki Doki Literature Club! Character File Free CHR Apps
.CHR Borland Character Set File Free CHR Apps
.CHR CryENGINE Character File Free CHR Apps
.CHR 3ds Max Characters File Free CHR Apps
.CHR0 Wii Model Animation File Free CHR0 Apps
.CHRPARAMS CryENGINE Character Parameters File Free CHRPARAMS Apps
.CHRT KDE KOffice Office Suite - KChart Free CHRT Apps
.CHS Windows Chinese Noise-Word List File Free CHS Apps
.CHT Emulator Cheat File Free CHT Apps
.CHT Windows Chinese Traditional Noise-Word List File Free CHT Apps
.CHUNK001 File Splitter Split Archive Part 1 Free CHUNK001 Apps
.CHV ChView Interactive Star Map File Free CHV Apps
.CHW Compiled Help Index File Free CHW Apps
.CHX AutoCAD Standards Check File Free CHX Apps
.CI PolySpace Preprocessed Code File Free CI Apps
.CI Windows Content Indexer Catalog File Free CI Apps
.CIA CTR Importable Archive Free CIA Apps
.CIB Luminaire Data File Free CIB Apps
.CID Navigator Chart Image Description File Free CID Apps
.CIDB iTunes CD Information File Free CIDB Apps
.CIF Crystallographic Information File Free CIF Apps
.CIF Easy CD Creator Disk Image Free CIF Apps
.CII ANSER-WEB Terminal Client - Certificate Issue Free CII Apps
.CIL Clip Gallery Packaged File Free CIL Apps
.CIMG CImg Image File Free CIMG Apps
.CIN Kodak Cineon Bitmap File Free CIN Apps
.CINE Phantom Digital Video File Free CINE Apps
.CIP Cavena Subtitles File Free CIP Apps
.CIRC Logisim Circuit File Free CIRC Apps
.CIRCUIT KTechlab Circuit Design File Free CIRCUIT Apps
.CIS CheckInbox Settings File Free CIS Apps
.CISO Compact ISO File Free CISO Apps
.CIT Intergraph Bitmap Image File Free CIT Apps
.CIV5MAP Civilization 5 Map Free CIV5MAP Apps
.CIV5MOD Civilization 5 Mod File Free CIV5MOD Apps
.CIV5SAVE Civilization 5 Saved Game Free CIV5SAVE Apps
.CIV5SLN Civilization 5 Solution File Free CIV5SLN Apps
.CJS CommonJS Code File Free CJS Apps
.CK9 Cook'n Cookbook Backup File Free CK9 Apps
.CKB Cricket Audio Bank File Free CKB Apps
.CKBX Cricket Audio XML Bank Description File Free CKBX Apps
.CKD Kubotek Design Container Free CKD Apps
.CKF Casio Keyboard File Free CKF Apps
.CKP SQL Server Checkpoint File Free CKP Apps
.CKT CircuitMaker File Free CKT Apps
.CL Cursor Library Free CL Apps
.CL2 HY-TEK Meet Results File Free CL2 Apps
.CL2ARC Comic Life 2 Document Archive Free CL2ARC Apps
.CL2DOC Comic Life 2 Document Free CL2DOC Apps
.CL2LYT Comic Life 2 Layout File Free CL2LYT Apps
.CL2TPL Comic Life 2 Template Free CL2TPL Apps
.CL4 Easy CD Creator 4 Project File Free CL4 Apps
.CL5 Easy CD Creator 5 Saved Project Free CL5 Apps
.CLA Claymore Data Files Free CLA Apps
.CLARIFY Clarify Document Free CLARIFY Apps
.CLASS Java Class File Free CLASS Apps
.CLASSLIST SMART Notebook Class List File Free CLASSLIST Apps
.CLB ICQ Contact List Free CLB Apps
.CLB COM+ Catalog File Free CLB Apps
.CLD Canon CD Label Template Free CLD Apps
.CLD ClamAV Virus Definitions File Free CLD Apps
.CLEO CLEO Grand Theft Auto Mod File Free CLEO Apps
.CLG Collage Maker Project File Free CLG Apps
.CLG Windows Catalog File Free CLG Apps
.CLI Grand Theft Auto Clip Data File Free CLI Apps
.CLIP Grand Theft Auto 5 Clip Free CLIP Apps
.CLIP Clip Studio Format File Free CLIP Apps
.CLIPS Coda Clips File Free CLIPS Apps
.CLIX CLIX Command File Free CLIX Apps
.CLK Corel R.A.V.E Project File Free CLK Apps
.CLK ClickView Video File Free CLK Apps
.CLKB Clicker Books File Free CLKB Apps
.CLKBD Clicker Board Set Free CLKBD Apps
.CLKC Clicker Connect Set File Free CLKC Apps
.CLKD Clicker Docs File Free CLKD Apps
.CLKK Clicker Keyboard Free CLKK Apps
.CLKM Clicker Matching Set File Free CLKM Apps
.CLKP Clicker Object Palette File Free CLKP Apps
.CLKS Clicker Sentences File Free CLKS Apps
.CLKT Clicker Template Free CLKT Apps
.CLKTK Clicker Talk Set File Free CLKTK Apps
.CLKV Clicker Communicator Vocabulary Set File Free CLKV Apps
.CLKW Clicker Word Bank Free CLKW Apps
.CLKX Clicker Grid Set Free CLKX Apps
.CLM MagicJack Call Log File Free CLM Apps
.CLM GenePattern CEL Descriptor File Free CLM Apps
.CLP Clipper Compiler Instructions File Free CLP Apps
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.CLPI Blu-ray Clip Information File Free CLPI Apps
.CLR Animate Color Set Free CLR Apps
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.CM CLEO Custom Mission Free CM Apps
.CM Cable Modem Configuration File Free CM Apps
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.CM10 CaseMap 10 Case File Free CM10 Apps
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.CM5 Clone Manager File Free CM5 Apps
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.CMAKE CMake File Free CMAKE Apps
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