File Formtas Starts with Letter R

List of all File Formats begins with letter R from the FileProInfo file types database.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.R REBOL Script Free R Apps
.R R Script File Free R Apps
.R Rez Source Code File Free R Apps
.R Ratfor Source Code File Free R Apps
.R Right Audio Channel File Free R Apps
.R0 WinRAR Compressed Archive Free R0 Apps
.R00 WinRAR Compressed Archive Free R00 Apps
.R01 WinRAR Split Archive Part 1 Free R01 Apps
.R02 WinRAR Split Archive Part 2 Free R02 Apps
.R03 WinRAR Split Archive Part 3 Free R03 Apps
.R04 WinRAR Split Archive Part 4 Free R04 Apps
.R1 WinRAR Multi-Volume Archive Part 1 Free R1 Apps
.R1M RealOne Streaming Media File Free R1M Apps
.R2 WinRAR Multi-Volume Archive Part 2 Free R2 Apps
.R21 WinRAR Split Archive Part 21 Free R21 Apps
.R30 WinRAR Split Archive Part 30 Free R30 Apps
.R3D REDCODE Video File Free R3D Apps
.R3D RISA-3D Model File Free R3D Apps
.R3PROJ RPG Maker 2003 Project Free R3PROJ Apps
.RA RealAudio File Free RA Apps
.RAD Citrix Rapid Application Delivery File Free RAD Apps
.RAD Radar ViewPoint Radar Data Free RAD Apps
.RAD Reality Adlib Tracker Module Free RAD Apps
.RAD VRAD Lights File Free RAD Apps
.RAD Radiance Scene File Free RAD Apps
.RADIUMKEY2 Radium 2 License File Free RADIUMKEY2 Apps
.RADQ Need for Madness Game Archive Free RADQ Apps
.RAF Fuji RAW Image File Free RAF Apps
.RAL WinRail Track Design File Free RAL Apps
.RAM Real Audio Metadata File Free RAM Apps
.RAP Raptor Flowchart File Free RAP Apps
.RAP Scarab Ransomware Encrypted File Free RAP Apps
.RAR WinRAR Compressed Archive Free RAR Apps
.RAS Remedy Archive System File Free RAS Apps
.RAS Sun Raster Graphic Free RAS Apps
.RASKINPLACE Raskin Place Layout File Free RASKINPLACE Apps
.RASUNSOFT Rasunsoft Game Replay File Free RASUNSOFT Apps
.RAT PICS Rating File Free RAT Apps
.RATDVD RatDVD Disk Image Free RATDVD Apps
.RAV Rave Reports Project File Free RAV Apps
.RAVI Radiometric Video File Free RAVI Apps
.RAW Dolphin Wii and Gamecube Emulator Game Save File Free RAW Apps
.RAW Raw Image Data File Free RAW Apps
.RAW Raw Audio Data Free RAW Apps
.RAX Real Music Store Audio File Free RAX Apps
.RAY Synopsys Light Ray Data File Free RAY Apps
.RAY Rayshade Image Free RAY Apps
.RB Rosebud Profile Free RB Apps
.RB Ruby Source Code Free RB Apps
.RB Real Studio Project Free RB Apps
.RB4 RobotWorks Parameters File Free RB4 Apps
.RB4 Resume Builder 4 File Free RB4 Apps
.RBC Retrospect Backup Catalog File Free RBC Apps
.RBC Rembo-C Script Free RBC Apps
.RBF Redatam Binary File Free RBF Apps
.RBF LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Robot Brick File Free RBF Apps
.RBF Windows Installer Rollback File Free RBF Apps
.RBF Stellar Insta Backup Image Free RBF Apps
.RBF Retrospect Backup File Free RBF Apps
.RBJ XRK Compiled Redcode Object File Free RBJ Apps
.RBK Windows 95 Registry Backup File Free RBK Apps
.RBM Real Studio Menu File Free RBM Apps
.RBP Real Studio Project File Free RBP Apps
.RBS Rebirth Song File Free RBS Apps
.RBS Windows Installer Rollback Script Free RBS Apps
.RBS MP3 Ringtone File Free RBS Apps
.RBVCP Real Studio Version Controlled Project Free RBVCP Apps
.RBW Real Studio Window File Free RBW Apps
.RBW Ruby Script Free RBW Apps
.RBX Rembo-C Compiled Script Free RBX Apps
.RBXL Roblox Location File Free RBXL Apps
.RBXLX Roblox XML Place File Free RBXLX Apps
.RBXM Roblox Model Free RBXM Apps
.RBXMX Roblox Model Free RBXMX Apps
.RBXS Roblox Script Free RBXS Apps
.RBZ SketchUp Plugin Free RBZ Apps
.RC Resource Script Free RC Apps
.RC1 Samsung Mobile Device Firmware File Free RC1 Apps
.RC2 Visual Studio Resources File Free RC2 Apps
.RC2 Samsung Mobile Device Firmware File Free RC2 Apps
.RCC Recap Compressed Structured Scan Data File Free RCC Apps
.RCD Arcade File Free RCD Apps
.RCD LEGO MINDSTORMS Recording File Free RCD Apps
.RCD pcAnywhere Recorded Session File Free RCD Apps
.RCF SonicWALL VPN Configuration File Free RCF Apps
.RCG Recog Character Recognition Set Free RCG Apps
.RCL Recolored Project File Free RCL Apps
.RCL Easy CD and DVD Creator 6 Project Free RCL Apps
.RCO PlayStation Portable Resource File Free RCO Apps
.RCPROFILE IP Unplugged Roaming Client Free RCPROFILE Apps
.RCPROJECT Apple Reality Composer Project Free RCPROJECT Apps
.RCPROJECT iMovie '08 Project Free RCPROJECT Apps
.RCREC LogMeIn Remote Control Session Recording Free RCREC Apps
.RCS RandomControl Scene File Free RCS Apps
.RCT Visual Studio Resource Template Free RCT Apps
.RCTD RabbitCT Dataset Free RCTD Apps
.RCU RealWorld Layered Cursor Image Free RCU Apps
.RCUT Webinaria Recording Cut Free RCUT Apps
.RCV RoofCon Viewer Project File Free RCV Apps
.RCV BIOS Recovery File Free RCV Apps
.RCX REDCINE-X Project File Free RCX Apps
.RCY ReCycle 1.x Document Free RCY Apps
.RDA Anno 2070 Data File Free RDA Apps
.RDA R Data File Free RDA Apps
.RDATA R Workspace File Free RDATA Apps
.RDB N64 ROM Database Free RDB Apps
.RDB Retrospect Backup Set Free RDB Apps
.RDB Wavelet Video Images File Free RDB Apps
.RDC IDRISI Raster Documentation File Free RDC Apps
.RDF Resource Description Framework File Free RDF Apps
.RDF Report Definition File Free RDF Apps
.RDF Relux Project File Free RDF Apps
.RDF ArcGIS Report Document File Free RDF Apps
.RDF PowerProducer Disc Image Free RDF Apps
.RDF ReDIF Template Free RDF Apps
.RDG RDCman Config File Free RDG Apps
.RDI Red Dragon ISecure Settings File Free RDI Apps
.RDI Rohos Disk Image File Free RDI Apps
.RDL MicroStation Redline File Free RDL Apps
.RDLC Visual Studio Client Report Definition File Free RDLC Apps
.RDLX Power View Project File Free RDLX Apps
.RDO Xerox Rawster Document Object File Free RDO Apps
.RDOC Ruby Document Free RDOC Apps
.RDOC_OPTIONS Ruby Document Options File Free RDOC_OPTIONS Apps
.RDP Remote Desktop Configuration File Free RDP Apps
.RDR Remote Desktop Manager Report Settings File Free RDR Apps
.RDS Ray Dream Studio Scene File Free RDS Apps
.RDW Real-DRAW Project File Free RDW Apps
.RDX Reflex Data File Free RDX Apps
.RDZ RemoteDocs R-Viewer Free RDZ Apps
.README Readme File Free README Apps
.REALITY Reality 3D Scene Format Free REALITY Apps
.REB REBOL Script File Free REB Apps
.REB Reimbursement Tracker Data File Free REB Apps
.REC fsck Data Recovery File Free REC Apps
.REC eJuice Me Up Recipe File Free REC Apps
.REC Topfield PVR Recording Free REC Apps
.RECORD GarageBand Records Audio File Free RECORD Apps
.RED CADViewer Redline Markup File Free RED Apps
.REDIF ReDIF Template Free REDIF Apps
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.REF Microsoft Train Simulator Reference File Free REF Apps
.REF IDRISI Raster Image Reference File Free REF Apps
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.REFRESH Visual Studio Refresh File Free REFRESH Apps
.REG Registration Information File Free REG Apps
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.REGTRANS-MS Registry Transaction Log File Free REGTRANS-MS Apps
.REL Relocatable Module File Free REL Apps
.REL Norton Internet Security Log File Free REL Apps
.RELOC Windows EXE Relocation Section File Free RELOC Apps
.RELS Open Office XML Relationships File Free RELS Apps
.REM BlackBerry Encrypted Data File Free REM Apps
.REP X-Plane Replay File Free REP Apps
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.REPLAY Fortnite Replay File Free REPLAY Apps
.REPP Repp Ransomware Encrypted File Free REPP Apps
.REQ SSL Certificate Request File Free REQ Apps
.REQ Canon SD Card Version Request File Free REQ Apps
.RES Valve Resource File Free RES Apps
.RES Star Wars KotOR Save Resources File Free RES Apps
.RES C++ Complied Resource Script Free RES Apps
.RES Windows Resource File Free RES Apps
.RES Godot Engine Resource File Free RES Apps
.RESJSON Windows JavaScript Resources File Free RESJSON Apps
.RESMONCFG Resource Monitor Configuration File Free RESMONCFG Apps
.RESOURCES Visual Studio Resource File Free RESOURCES Apps
.RESS Unity 3D Model Archive Free RESS Apps
.RESW Windows Resources File Free RESW Apps
.RESX .NET Managed Resources File Free RESX Apps
.RET BusinessObjects Template Free RET Apps
.REV LiveCode Plugin Free REV Apps
.REV RAR Recovery Volume Set Free REV Apps
.REX Rexx Source File Free REX Apps
.REX ReCycle Loop File Free REX Apps
.REXX Rexx Source File Free REXX Apps
.REZ FirstClass Resource File Free REZ Apps
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.RFQ RoboForm SearchCard File Free RFQ Apps
.RFT Revisable Form Text Document Free RFT Apps
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.RFU Remote Firmware Update Free RFU Apps
.RFW Rockchip Firmware File Free RFW Apps
.RGB RGB Bitmap Free RGB Apps
.RGB Q0 Image File Free RGB Apps
.RGBA RGB Bitmap Free RGBA Apps
.RGD Raft Saved Game File Free RGD Apps
.RGE Entourage File Archive Free RGE Apps
.RGF LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Robot Graphics File Free RGF Apps
.RGMB RootsMagic Backup File Free RGMB Apps
.RGMC RootsMagic Genealogy Project File Free RGMC Apps
.RGN Garmin Regional Map File Free RGN Apps
.RGO RepliGo File Free RGO Apps
.RGP RealArcade Game Package Free RGP Apps
.RGRID RepGrid File Free RGRID Apps
.RGRP Pro Tools Region Group File Free RGRP Apps
.RGS Registry Script Free RGS Apps
.RGSS2A RPG Maker VX RGSS Encrypted Archive Free RGSS2A Apps
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.RHISTORY R History File Free RHISTORY Apps
.RHP Rhino Plug-in Free RHP Apps
.RHR Script Rehearser Script File Free RHR Apps
.RHTML Ruby HTML Web Page Free RHTML Apps
.RIC NXT Image File Free RIC Apps
.RIDL RIDL Type Library File Free RIDL Apps
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.RIG Antibody Model Rig File Free RIG Apps
.RIG vRigger Design File Free RIG Apps
.RIM BioWare Resource Image File Free RIM Apps
.RIP Hit'n'Mix Audio Mashup File Free RIP Apps
.RIS Research Information Systems Citation File Free RIS Apps
.RISE RISE Editor Model File Free RISE Apps
.RIX ColoRIX Image Free RIX Apps
.RJS RealJukebox Skin File Free RJS Apps
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.RK WinRK File Archive Free RK Apps
.RKG Mario Kart Wii Ghost Data File Free RKG Apps
.RKP Rockchip MP4 Player Game Free RKP Apps
.RKT Racket Source Code File Free RKT Apps
.RL The 7th Guest Audio Data File Free RL Apps
.RL R.viewer List File Free RL Apps
.RLC EDMICS 2000 Free RLC Apps
.RLD XML Resource Lists Diff Free RLD Apps
.RLE Golly Simulation Pattern File Free RLE Apps
.RLE.GZ Golly Compressed Simulation Pattern File Free RLE.GZ Apps
.RLE Run Length Encoded Bitmap Free RLE Apps
.RLF ArcGIS Report Layout File Free RLF Apps
.RLI RealWorld Graphics Layered Image Free RLI Apps
.RLL Microsoft Resource Library Free RLL Apps
.RLS Symbian Localization File Free RLS Apps
.RM RealMedia File Free RM Apps
.RMBAK Registry Mechanic Backup File Free RMBAK Apps
.RMD R Markdown File Free RMD Apps
.RMD Reference Manager Data File Free RMD Apps
.RMD RealPlayer Media File Free RMD Apps
.RMD RED Metadata File Free RMD Apps
.RMF Hammer Rich Map Format Free RMF Apps
.RMF Adobe Rights Management Document Free RMF Apps
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.RMJ Real Media Jukebox Audio File Free RMJ Apps
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.RML FTG Configuration File Free RML Apps
.RMM RAM Meta File Free RMM Apps
.RMP RealPlayer Metadata Package File Free RMP Apps
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.RMR ResumeMaker File Free RMR Apps
.RMS Java Application Settings File Free RMS Apps
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.RMSKIN Rainmeter Skin File Free RMSKIN Apps
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.RMUF Alpha Five Runtime License File Free RMUF Apps
.RMV Radical Entertainment Video File Free RMV Apps
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.RMX RealJukebox Format Free RMX Apps
.RMX Reference Manager Index File Free RMX Apps
.RNC RELAX NG Compact Syntax File Free RNC Apps
.RNC RNC ProPack Archive Free RNC Apps
.RND PGP Random Seed File Free RND Apps
.RND Random Hash Data File Free RND Apps
.RNG RELAX NG File Free RNG Apps
.RNG Nokia Composer Ringtone Free RNG Apps
.RNQ Renque Model File Free RNQ Apps
.RNS Reason Song File Free RNS Apps
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.ROADTRIP Road Trip Planner File Free ROADTRIP Apps
.ROCA RIB office Compressed Archive Free ROCA Apps
.ROCK Rockbox Plug-in Free ROCK Apps
.ROD Actuate Report Object Design File Free ROD Apps
.ROD RIB office Database File Free ROD Apps
.ROD Ancestry Genealogical Database File Free ROD Apps
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.RODX Ancestry Genealogical Database File Free RODX Apps
.RODZ Ancestry Genealogical Database File Free RODZ Apps
.ROFL League of Legends Replay File Free ROFL Apps
.ROG Roger 2 Input Data File Free ROG Apps
.ROI Shark Sales System Data File Free ROI Apps
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.ROL Ad Lib Synthesized Instrument Free ROL Apps
.ROM Read Only Memory Image Free ROM Apps
.ROM Killing Floor Map File Free ROM Apps
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.ROU Gerber Route File Free ROU Apps
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.ROXIO Roxio Project Free ROXIO Apps
.ROZ aSc TimeTables Schedule File Free ROZ Apps
.RP Axure RP Project File Free RP Apps
.RP RealPix Clip Free RP Apps
.RP2 RetroPlatform Player Program Archive Free RP2 Apps
.RP9 RetroPlatform Disk Image Archive Free RP9 Apps
.RPA RIB Project Archive File Free RPA Apps
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.RS Rust Source Code File Free RS Apps
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