File Formtas Starts with Letter L

List of all File Formats begins with letter L from the FileProInfo file types database.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.L Left Audio Channel File Free L Apps
.L Game of Life File Free L Apps
.L Lex Source File Free L Apps
.L01 EnCase Logical Evidence File Free L01 Apps
.L2R Lineage II Replay File Free L2R Apps
.L3B LEGO 3D Model File Free L3B Apps
.L3D Black & White Graphics File Free L3D Apps
.L3DW Studio Store Visualizer External Library File Free L3DW Apps
.L4D Cinema 4D Layout File Free L4D Apps
.L6T Line 6 Tone File Free L6T Apps
.LA Lossless Audio File Free LA Apps
.LA Libtool Archive Free LA Apps
.LAB WordPerfect Label Definition File Free LAB Apps
.LABEL DYMO Label File Free LABEL Apps
.LABY Laby Level File Free LABY Apps
.LACCDB Microsoft Access Lock File Free LACCDB Apps
.LANG GtkSourceView Language Definition File Free LANG Apps
.LANG Minecraft Language File Free LANG Apps
.LANG Skype Language File Free LANG Apps
.LAS LIDAR Data Exchange File Free LAS Apps
.LASSO Lasso Database-Driven Web Page Free LASSO Apps
.LASTLOGIN Minecraft User Credential File Free LASTLOGIN Apps
.LASXML Laser App Enterprise Free LASXML Apps
.LATEX LaTeX Document Free LATEX Apps
.LAV DNA Sequence Alignment File Free LAV Apps
.LAY Tecplot Layout File Free LAY Apps
.LAY MAME Layout File Free LAY Apps
.LAY Rhino 3D Layer State File Free LAY Apps
.LAY DVD Studio Pro Layout File Free LAY Apps
.LAYOUT LayOut Document Free LAYOUT Apps
.LAYOUT Code::Blocks Workspace Layout File Free LAYOUT Apps
.LAYOUTDESIGNER QuickBooks Layout Designer File Free LAYOUTDESIGNER Apps
.LB Lens Blur Project File Free LB Apps
.LBC Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Saved Link Free LBC Apps
.LBD Life Balance - Desktop Edition Free LBD Apps
.LBE Life Balance - Exchange Free LBE Apps
.LBF LG Backup File Free LBF Apps
.LBI Dreamweaver Library Item Free LBI Apps
.LBL NiceLabel Template File Free LBL Apps
.LBL Now Contact Label Template Free LBL Apps
.LBL dBASE Label File Free LBL Apps
.LBM Deluxe Paint Bitmap Image Free LBM Apps
.LBR LU Library Archive Free LBR Apps
.LBRN LightBurn Project Free LBRN Apps
.LBS Omnis Library Free LBS Apps
.LBT FoxPro Label Memo Free LBT Apps
.LBU Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Settings File Free LBU Apps
.LBX FoxPro Label File Free LBX Apps
.LCB Living Cookbook Backup File Free LCB Apps
.LCC Capture One Lens Cast Correction File Free LCC Apps
.LCD ABBYY Language File Free LCD Apps
.LCD CDSpace Emulated Disk Image Free LCD Apps
.LCF ArchiCAD Library Container File Free LCF Apps
.LCK Program Lock File Free LCK Apps
.LCM Lipikar Custom Map File Free LCM Apps
.LCN License File Free LCN Apps
.LD Linker Script Free LD Apps
.LD2 Lingoes Dictionary File Free LD2 Apps
.LDABAK Legistant Encrypted Backup File Free LDABAK Apps
.LDB Microsoft Access Lock File Free LDB Apps
.LDB Minecraft Level File Free LDB Apps
.LDB Max Payne Level File Free LDB Apps
.LDF Lingoes Dictionary Source File Free LDF Apps
.LDF SQL Server Transaction Log File Free LDF Apps
.LDIF LDAP Data Interchange Format File Free LDIF Apps
.LDM VolumeViz Multi-Resolution Volume File Free LDM Apps
.LDR LDraw Model File Free LDR Apps
.LDS Binutils LD Linker Script Free LDS Apps
.LDT Eulumdat Formatted Luminaire Data File Free LDT Apps
.LDW Virtual Villagers Saved Game File Free LDW Apps
.LEF LEN Exchange Format File Free LEF Apps
.LEGAL DaveTech Legal Document Free LEGAL Apps
.LEMON Download Free LEMON Apps
.LEN IMAGINE Lens Flare File Free LEN Apps
.LES Archipelago Lesson Player Free LES Apps
.LESS LESS Style Sheet Free LESS Apps
.LETTER Undeliverable Mail File Free LETTER Apps
.LEV Levelogger Software Data File Free LEV Apps
.LEX Adobe Linguistic Library Data File Free LEX Apps
.LFO Alchemy Low Frequency Oscillator Presets File Free LFO Apps
.LFP IPRO LFP File Free LFP Apps
.LFS Samsung Phone params.lfs File Free LFS Apps
.LG2 Message Queuing Message State File Free LG2 Apps
.LGC WordPerfect DTD Compiler Logic File Free LGC Apps
.LGC SimpleK Database File Free LGC Apps
.LGF PMSCAN Log File Free LGF Apps
.LGH HMI Historical Log File Free LGH Apps
.LGI Multimedia Logic File Free LGI Apps
.LGL LeechGet Download List Free LGL Apps
.LGL Large Graph Layout Edge File Free LGL Apps
.LGO Logo Instructions File Free LGO Apps
.LGP Final Fantasy Media Archive Free LGP Apps
.LGT Let's Go! Theme File Free LGT Apps
.LH3D Live Home 3D Project Free LH3D Apps
.LHA LHARC Compressed Archive Free LHA Apps
.LHR Quicken Financial Life for Mac File Free LHR Apps
.LHS Literate Haskell Script Free LHS Apps
.LHZD Live Home 3D Compressed Project Free LHZD Apps
.LI3D Live Interior 3D Document Free LI3D Apps
.LIA P-CAD ASCII Library file Free LIA Apps
.LIB Finale Library Free LIB Apps
.LIB Generic Data Library Free LIB Apps
.LIB4D Cinema 4D Preset Library Free LIB4D Apps
.LIBRARY-MS Windows Library Description File Free LIBRARY-MS Apps
.LIBZIP Camtasia Studio Zipped Library File Free LIBZIP Apps
.LIC Software License File Free LIC Apps
.LICENSE Software License File Free LICENSE Apps
.LICENSEKEY iPartition License Key File Free LICENSEKEY Apps
.LICENSES Visual Studio Licensed Classes File Free LICENSES Apps
.LICX Visual Studio License File Free LICX Apps
.LID Kodak EasyShare Album File Free LID Apps
.LIF LEGO Digital Designer Assets File Free LIF Apps
.LIF TurboTax Information Archive Free LIF Apps
.LIF Leica Image File Free LIF Apps
.LIFE Light Notebook File Free LIFE Apps
.LIGHTINGLIBRARY Painter Lighting Presets Library Free LIGHTINGLIBRARY Apps
.LIGHTKEYFXT Lightkey Fixture File Free LIGHTKEYFXT Apps
.LILOCKED Lilocked Ransomware Encrypted File Free LILOCKED Apps
.LILY PCSX2 LilyPad Configuration File Free LILY Apps
.LIN X-Plane Painted Line File Free LIN Apps
.LIN AutoCAD Linetype File Free LIN Apps
.LIN Valve Leak Pointfile Free LIN Apps
.LINK iPod Link File Free LINK Apps
.LINK66 ROUTE 66 Location Based Services Free LINK66 Apps
.LINQ LINQPad Query File Free LINQ Apps
.LINX iPod Links Folder Free LINX Apps
.LIP Real Virtuality Lip Sync File Free LIP Apps
.LIP Bethesda Softworks Lip Sync File Free LIP Apps
.LIP Clip Studio Paint File Free LIP Apps
.LIS VAX Program Listing Free LIS Apps
.LIS SQR Output File Free LIS Apps
.LISP Lisp Source Code File Free LISP Apps
.LIST APT List File Free LIST Apps
.LIST JAR Index File Free LIST Apps
.LIT Lit Source Code File Free LIT Apps
.LIT Literate Haskell Script Free LIT Apps
.LIT eBook File Free LIT Apps
.LITAR Litar Virus Encrypted File Free LITAR Apps
.LITEMOD Minecraft LiteLoader Mod File Free LITEMOD Apps
.LIVECODE LiveCode Stack File Free LIVECODE Apps
.LIVEREG Symantec Antivirus Session File Free LIVEREG Apps
.LIVEUPDATE Symantec LiveUpdate File Free LIVEUPDATE Apps
.LIX ExtendSim Simulation Software Library Free LIX Apps
.LIX Logos Library System File Free LIX Apps
.LIZD Live Interior 3D Compressed Document Free LIZD Apps
.LJP Lossless JPEG Image Free LJP Apps
.LK12 LIKO-12 Disk File Free LK12 Apps
.LL List & Label Preview File Free LL Apps
.LLB LabVIEW Library File Free LLB Apps
.LLD Logo! Soft Comfort LAD File Free LLD Apps
.LLM Linden Lab Mesh File Free LLM Apps
.LLX LabVIEW VI Library Backup File Free LLX Apps
.LMA Logo! UDF File Free LMA Apps
.LMC Mobility Client Configuration File Free LMC Apps
.LMF Quartus II Library Mapping File Free LMF Apps
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.LMP Quake Engine Lump File Free LMP Apps
.LMS LenMus Score File Free LMS Apps
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.LMX Landmark Exchange File Free LMX Apps
.LND 3D Landscape File Free LND Apps
.LNG AVG Language File Free LNG Apps
.LNG Winamp Language File Free LNG Apps
.LNG Acrobat Language Plug-in Free LNG Apps
.LNG Language Application Support File Free LNG Apps
.LNG MAME Language File Free LNG Apps
.LNK Windows Shortcut Free LNK Apps
.LNST Adobe InDesign Line Presets File Free LNST Apps
.LNT LiveNote Case File Free LNT Apps
.LNT PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration File Free LNT Apps
.LNT Laego Note Taker File Free LNT Apps
.LNX Commodore 64 Lynx Archive Free LNX Apps
.LNX Atari Lynx ROM Free LNX Apps
.LO Interleaf Compiled Lisp File Free LO Apps
.LOADERS GTK+ Loaders File Free LOADERS Apps
.LOADTEST Visual Studio Load Test File Free LOADTEST Apps
.LOC TrackMania Locator File Free LOC Apps
.LOC GPS Location File Free LOC Apps
.LOCALSTORAGE WebKit Local Storage Data File Free LOCALSTORAGE Apps
.LOCK Lock File Free LOCK Apps
.LOCKED Ransomware Encrypted File Free LOCKED Apps
.LOCKY Locky Ransomware Encrypted File Free LOCKY Apps
.LOD Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Graphics File Free LOD Apps
.LOF Audacity File List Free LOF Apps
.LOG AntiVir Report Log File Free LOG Apps
.LOG Log File Free LOG Apps
.LOG1 Windows Registry Hive Log File Free LOG1 Apps
.LOG2 Windows Registry Hive Log 2 File Free LOG2 Apps
.LOGIC Logic Pro Project File Free LOGIC Apps
.LOGICLY Logicly Circuit File Free LOGICLY Apps
.LOGICX Logic Pro Project Free LOGICX Apps
.LOGONVISTA LogonStudio Windows Vista Logon Screen Free LOGONVISTA Apps
.LOGONXP LogonStudio Windows XP Logon Screen Free LOGONXP Apps
.LOL LOLCODE Source Code FIle Free LOL Apps
.LOOK SpeedGrade Look File Free LOOK Apps
.LOOKLIBRARY Painter Looks Library Free LOOKLIBRARY Apps
.LOOV Smadav Virus Definitions File Free LOOV Apps
.LOP MasterCook Layout File Free LOP Apps
.LOVE LÖVE Game File Free LOVE Apps
.LP Lightscape Preparation File Free LP Apps
.LP2 iLEAP Word Processing Document Free LP2 Apps
.LP7 LP7 Digitally Signed File Free LP7 Apps
.LPB LaserTank Replay File Free LPB Apps
.LPD LPD Daemon Print Permissions File Free LPD Apps
.LPD Lookout Protocol Driver File Free LPD Apps
.LPDB Librarian Pro Database File Free LPDB Apps
.LPDF Localized PDF File Free LPDF Apps
.LPK Tecplot Layout Package Free LPK Apps
.LPK ArcGIS Layer Package Free LPK Apps
.LPKG Liferay Application Free LPKG Apps
.LPKG Appspace Language Pack Free LPKG Apps
.LPMD LPMD Molecular Data File Free LPMD Apps
.LPP LabelPrint Project File Free LPP Apps
.LPROJ Localized Project Folder Free LPROJ Apps
.LPS Bryce Leaf Shape File Free LPS Apps
.LQM LG QuickMemo Note Free LQM Apps
.LQR SQ Compressed LBR Archive Free LQR Apps
.LQT Liquid Audio File Free LQT Apps
.LRC Lyrics File Free LRC Apps
.LRCAT Adobe Lightroom Catalog File Free LRCAT Apps
.LRDATA Adobe Lightroom Data File Free LRDATA Apps
.LRDB Adobe Lightroom Database Free LRDB Apps
.LREC Inter-Tel Web Conference Recording Free LREC Apps
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.LRF League of Legends Replay File Free LRF Apps
.LRF Sony Portable Reader File Free LRF Apps
.LRLIB Adobe Lightroom CC Library File Free LRLIB Apps
.LRLIBRARY Adobe Lightroom CC Library File Free LRLIBRARY Apps
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.LRMODULE Adobe Lightroom Module Free LRMODULE Apps
.LRPLUGIN Adobe Lightroom Plug-in Free LRPLUGIN Apps
.LRPREVIEW Adobe Lightroom Preview File Free LRPREVIEW Apps
.LRS Check Point License Request File Free LRS Apps
.LRS Librie Reader Source File Free LRS Apps
.LRSMCOL Adobe Lightroom Smart Collection Settings File Free LRSMCOL Apps
.LRTEMPLATE Adobe Lightroom Template Free LRTEMPLATE Apps
.LRTOOLKIT Adobe Lightroom Toolkit Free LRTOOLKIT Apps
.LRV Low Resolution Video File Free LRV Apps
.LRWEBENGINE Adobe Lightroom Web Gallery File Free LRWEBENGINE Apps
.LRX Sony Portable Reader File Free LRX Apps
.LS LightWave LScript File Free LS Apps
.LS3 Magic Bullet Looks Package Free LS3 Apps
.LS3 Band-in-a-Box Third-Party Styles File Free LS3 Apps
.LSA Domino Designer Agent File Free LSA Apps
.LSC Logo! Soft Comfort File Free LSC Apps
.LSD RPG Maker Game Save File Free LSD Apps
.LSD Lingvo Dictionary File Free LSD Apps
.LSF Logos Library System File Free LSF Apps
.LSF Streaming Media Format Free LSF Apps
.LSL LightScribe Label Free LSL Apps
.LSN Finale Lesson File Free LSN Apps
.LSO Logic Audio Project Free LSO Apps
.LSP Lisp Program Source Code File Free LSP Apps
.LSP LANsurveyor Poll List Free LSP Apps
.LSPROJ Visual Studio LightSwitch Project Free LSPROJ Apps
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.LSPROJ Lens Studio Project Free LSPROJ Apps
.LSR LANsurveyor Report Free LSR Apps
.LST Data List Free LST Apps
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.LSW RPG Maker Saved Game File Free LSW Apps
.LSX Streaming Media Shortcut Free LSX Apps
.LT2 Poser Light Set File Free LT2 Apps
.LTB LithTech Binary File Free LTB Apps
.LTF Frogans Shortcut File Free LTF Apps
.LTF Laser App Temp Form File Free LTF Apps
.LTG LaserTank Graphics File Free LTG Apps
.LTL Luminaire Data File Free LTL Apps
.LTR Letter File Free LTR Apps
.LTX S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Properties File Free LTX Apps
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.LUA Lua Source File Free LUA Apps
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.LUE Norton LiveUpdate Log File Free LUE Apps
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.LVL Game Level File Free LVL Apps
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.LVW Livewire Document Free LVW Apps
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.LWD Lightworks Data File Free LWD Apps
.LWFN Adobe Type 1 Mac Font File Free LWFN Apps
.LWO LightWave 3D Object File Free LWO Apps
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.LWS LightWave 3D Scene File Free LWS Apps
.LWTP LimeWire Theme Pack Free LWTP Apps
.LWV Linguistically Enhanced Sound File Free LWV Apps
.LWX Lightwright Database File Free LWX Apps
.LX01 EnCase Logical Evidence File Free LX01 Apps
.LXA Microsoft Speech Lexicon File Free LXA Apps
.LXCP LCARS x32 Color Profile Free LXCP Apps
.LXF LEN Exchange Format File Free LXF Apps
.LXF LEGO Digital Designer Model File Free LXF Apps
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.LXK Lexicon Link-up File Free LXK Apps
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.LXSOPT Liquid XML Studio Project Options File Free LXSOPT Apps
.LXSPROJ Liquid XML Studio Project File Free LXSPROJ Apps
.LY LilyPond File Free LY Apps
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.LYR ArcView Layer File Free LYR Apps
.LYR bestIMAGE Design File Free LYR Apps
.LYT vanBacsco's Karaoke Player Skin File Free LYT Apps
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.LZ Lzip Compressed File Free LZ Apps
.LZH LZH Compressed File Free LZH Apps
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.LZMA LZMA Compressed File Free LZMA Apps
.LZO LZO Compressed File Free LZO Apps
.LZP LazPaint Image Free LZP Apps
.LZX Amiga LZX Compressed File Free LZX Apps
Extension File Type Free Apps


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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z